About Me & The Quad Right Life

Hello! I’d be happy to share if you’re interested in learning about my journey with Human Design. I’m a 2/4 Emotional Generator. I’m also Quad Right. As of 2024, I’m in my second year of deconditioning. Being a Quad Right isn’t something I focus on; it’s just part of who I’ve always been. My real challenge is being true to myself, which is easier said than done. I’m putting in a lot of effort, but as a Generator, I deeply desire the freedom to control my time and align with my intuition.

This website is a new idea I’m experimenting with. If you’d like a brief version of my Human Design story, here it is: I discovered Human Design three and a half years ago, completed the Living Your Design program in 2023, and I’m continuing to learn more when I can find the time. I’ve also been interested in astrology for as long as I can remember, but I started taking it more seriously in 2018. My sign is Taurus Sun, Gemini Moon, and Pisces Rising.

I hope you’ll welcome yourself and stick around as I continue to work on this site!