Famous Quad Right Writers

Quad Right refers to the variables (the arrows at the top of your human design chart) at the top of your chart. If all of your arrows point right, you are considered quad right. Your variables are PRR DRR. There are 16 variables in human design.

I’ll be discussing Quad Right more soon. This is an ongoing list of famous and well-known Quad Right writers. Many people fall into multiple categories; I only list people in their most well-known category.

Updated on September 14, 2024

Quad Right Writers (Authors, Journalists, Writers)

  • Dr. Barbara De Angelis
  • Paulo Coelho
  • Maureen Dowd
  • Athol Fugard
  • Barbara Funkhouser
  • Ellen Glasgow
  • John Glassco
  • Sylvia Plath
  • Alex Haley
  • Mark Halpern
  • Akilah Hughes
  • Winona La Duke (activist & writer)
  • Harper Lee
The Alchemist - Paula Coelho
I have no formula for success. None at all. All I’ve learned is to try and be honest on the page. - Athol Fugard
Your Quad Right Design.50 Journal Prompts for Self Acceptance

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