Tag: Quad Right

  • Your Quad Right Design: 50 Journal Prompts for Self Acceptance

    Your Quad Right Design: 50 Journal Prompts for Self Acceptance

    This Quad Right journal is more than just a book—it’s a companion on your journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Living in a ‘left’ world can be challenging, but understanding your quad right nature can transform your perspective.

  • Quad Right Characteristics: Keywords That Define Your Essence

    By exploring keywords that resonate with your Quad Right nature, you can gain deeper insights into navigating life more effectively.

  • Quad Right Musicians

    Quad Right Musicians

    Here is a list of musicians with PRR DRR variables, AKA Quad Right. Updated on September 14, 2024.

  • From Confusion to Clarity: A Human Design Lesson in Learning about Being Quad Right (PRR DRR)

    As someone deeply interested in human design, I devoured books, attended workshops, and analyzed my chart until my eyes blurred. Yet, despite my studies, I found myself tangled in a web of contradictions. I’m an emotional Generator with a profile of 2/4 and PRR DRR variables (AKA quad right). As a generator, I’m designed to…

  • Famous Quad Right Athletes

    Famous Quad Right Athletes

    Let’s delve into the “Quad Right” concept in Human Design. This term refers to the specific variables represented by the arrows at the top of your chart. If all your arrows point to the right, you’re part of the Quad Right group! Your variables are PRR and DRR. To put this in perspective, the Human…

  • Quad Right Actors & Actresses

    Quad Right Actors & Actresses

    This is a list of actors and actresses with variables PRR and DRR. It won’t ever be comprehensive, and it’s not meant to be in alphabetical order (even though it might be now). Updated on September 14, 2024 Quad Right Actors and Actresses *If you click on one of my affiliate links, I may receive…

  • Famous Quad Right Writers

    Quad Right refers to the variables (the arrows at the top of your human design chart) at the top of your chart. If all of your arrows point right, you are considered quad right. Your variables are PRR DRR. There are 16 variables in human design. I’ll be discussing Quad Right more soon. This is…

  • About Me & The Quad Right Life

    Hello! I’d be happy to share if you’re interested in learning about my journey with Human Design. I’m a 2/4 Emotional Generator. I’m also Quad Right. As of 2024, I’m in my second year of deconditioning. Being a Quad Right isn’t something I focus on; it’s just part of who I’ve always been. My real…