Your Quad Right Design: 50 Journal Prompts for Self Acceptance


Here’s a sneak peek of the new journal:

The word peek is spelled wrong. But that’s not the point!

Your Quad Right Journal is a thoughtfully crafted workbook with 50 engaging journal prompts. These prompts are tailored to help you reflect on your unique experiences and strengths as a quad right person.

Reflect and Grow:

  • Dive deep into what it means to be quad right.
  • Gain insights into your personal journey.

Navigate Challenges:

  • Address everyday struggles quad right individuals face.
  • Develop strategies to thrive in a predominantly ‘left’ world.

Celebrate Your Strengths:

  • Recognize and embrace your unique abilities.
  • Build confidence in your natural design.
Your Quad Right Design - 50 Journal Prompts for self acceptance

Why You’ll Love the Journal:

Living in a ‘left’ world can be challenging, but understanding your quad right nature can transform your perspective.

This journal is more than just a book—it’s a companion on your journey of self-discovery and empowerment. 

Join us in celebrating what makes you uniquely you!

Ready to start your journey? Grab your copy of Your Quad Right Journal today!